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Baker Road – New Signage – What’s Going on With That?

You may have noticed a new sign on Baker Road over by the Friendswood ISD Barn and Cowards Creek on the property owned by the District. It came to our attention that this private roadway was being heavily used by dump trucks causing damage to the property. Constant use by construction vehicles causes weakened sections of the pavement, potholes, cracks, and not to mention noise, dust, and disruptions to area residents altered traffic patterns with the heavy equipment.

With the intention of rerouting this construction traffic to a publicly dedicated roadway, the District has posted the signage restricting the use of the roadway.

We have heard a rumor that these signs restrict all use – and we are here to say that is not true. Fake news as our President says. Residents, pedestrians, students, and especially essential services to protect human life such as police, EMS, fire, etc. are welcome to use this District-owned Road. In fact, statutes that allow the District to protect their property rights in this way expressly exclude emergency vehicles, so they are always welcome.

-- Paige L. Bailey, CEO & General Counsel

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