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Update – Banking Wire Fraud Litigation

As the community is likely aware, the District was notified in December that we had fallen victim to wire fraud criminal activity. The crime is still being investigated by Friendswood PD and the F.B.I.

The District has a policy of promoting transparency in our activities so we will update the public as often as we can in our pursuit to recover public funds and hold those responsible accountable.

We have a substantial duty as fiduciaries to act in the best interest of the public. Based on our findings thus far, the District has filed a lawsuit in the Galveston County District Court against HomeTown Bank and the alleged criminal Brian Kaiser. The pleadings are public, and we encourage those interested in our ongoing litigation to keep abreast of the situation.

Our petition may be read here, under Cause No. 25-CV-0038:


-- Paige L. Bailey, CEO & General Counsel

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